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ÚPRAVA - DOLINA, s.r.o. v likvidácii

Hlasujte: 0.0/5 (0 hlasov)

Miesto podnikania: Dolina 77, 990 12 Veľký Krtíš IČO: 36024414
Okres: Veľký Krtíš IČ-DPH:


Pridajte Vašu skúsenosť s firmou ÚPRAVA - DOLINA, s.r.o. v likvidácii

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Pridal: Benjamin Cyril., 2021-02-09 13:47:55
Dear Sir/ Madam,

My Name is Benjamin Cyril, I am working as a Manager at GROUPE MIDAC INTERNATIONAL SARL Togo and Ghana. I would like to inquire about your products.

We want to inquire from you whether you can send us your company catalog. We can check and let you know if there is any product which will suit our requirement. We are interested in importing a wide range of your products for our customers in Africa and hope you will be able to meet our demands.

We are looking for a long term partnership and not a one-time service. I appreciate it if you could share your catalog, pricing information and payment options. I look forward to your response and hope that we can do business together.Reply to any of these two mails . (tgsahara228@email.com)

Yours Sincerely,

Mr.Benjamin Cyril.

Togo & Accra Ghana.



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